
Community Based


What Are Walk & Talk Sessions?

Walk and Talk sessions are a community based activity involving physical activity (“walk”) and psychotherapy (“talk”). Sessions are held outdoors and encourage the use of movement to assist with processing thoughts and feelings.

Are Walk & Talk Sessions right for me?

Recommended for those seeking additional benefits of fresh air, as well as those looking to also incorporate a little exercise as part of their therapeutic work. Walk and Talk sessions are ideal for those who feel more disconnected to their bodies and are looking for a way to reconnect their mind with their body. Helpful for those looking for tangible way to manage the mind-body experience of feeling “stuck.” All fitness levels welcomed. Certain health conditions that are sensitive to bilateral movement exceeding 30 minutes, sensitivity to the outdoors as a result of allergies or other medical conditions may not be suitable for this approach to therapy.



  • Incorporates exercise into therapy sessions, thus allowing those with limited time to fit in both

  • Creates opportunity to embrace the outdoors

  • Strengths the development of a mind-body connection

  • Visual distractions may create increased comfort for those uncomfortable with sustained eye contact

  • Great for those with limited babysitting support for infants


  • Inclement weather can potentially lead to cancellations or inconvenience due to moving sessions to community based centers

  • Requires prior discussion of how to talk about sensitive matter in more public setting

  • Complete privacy is not guaranteed due to lack of control over community members presence

  • Must be within reasonable distance from Glassell Park (Northeast Los Angeles)

Located conveniently off the 2 freeway, the Glassell Park Recreational Center
offers an open space with unpaved walking path surrounding both baseball fields.


Glassell Park Recreation Center

3650 Verdugo Road
Los Angeles, CA 90065

Please meet at the bleachers facing
the smaller baseball field closest to parking lot



Frequently Asked Questions

What about confidentiality?
I will do my very best to uphold confidentiality and protect your information to the best of my abilities. Prior to us initiating any community-based sessions, we engage in an intake process that will involve us discussing your concerns and determine if they are appropriate for an outdoor setting. With being out in public during our sessions, there are certain risks you have to acknowledge and agree to take if you chose this approach. Ways we can work together to maintain the highest level of confidentiality include a change of walking pace if others are around or moving in the direction of establishing a more secluded area to sit depending on your comfort level.

What happens if someone we know sees us?
It is a common occurrence for two people to walk alongside each other and talk. Unless you tell someone you are engaged in an outdoor therapy session, it is unlikely someone will be able to conclude the nature of our relationship and purpose for our walk. Before your first session, we discuss likely scenarios and discuss your comfort level. As your therapist, I am not allowed to disclose my relationship to you and will do my best to avoid introductions or conversations with others in the efforts to protect your privacy. Acknowledging me as your therapist to others is done at your discretion and comfort level. Some clients have referred to me as their friend or coach, and I have politely excused myself from the conversation. I will always follow your lead and never compromise your confidentiality, and follow the plan we have discussed previously.

What happens if we have an appointment scheduled and there’s inclement weather?
The benefit of living in Southern California is the higher frequency of good weather days. On the days where weather may be an issue, I will review any predictions for inclement weather with you to discuss alternatives at least 24 hours to your session. Depending on your comfort, we may decide to meet at the coffee shop next to the park or bring more weather appropriate accessories such as umbrellas to walk in the rain. I will follow your lead and maintain a level of flexibility to meet your individual needs and preferences for our session. Another alternative is also a telehealth session. Any sessions cancelled due to inclement weather will not result in a late cancellation fee.

May I bring my dog or child?
Friendly, well-trained dogs with more relaxed temperaments are welcomed to any of our outdoor sessions but will be required to be kept on a leash. Children between the ages of 4 months - 18 months are welcome to attend, with the strong recommendation to have them inside of a stroller, sling, or baby carrier. The safety of your pets and children are a responsibility you assume when bringing them along as I am not able to guarantee safety from the elements, other people, or animals, nor can I provide or guarantee a private place for you to tend to the needs of your child.

What should I wear and bring to our session?
Comfortable clothing and walking/athletic/outdoor shoes you feel comfortable getting dirty. Please pay attention to the weather report in order to dress in accordance and to your comfort level. A water bottle and weather appropriate accessories (sunglasses, hats, scarves, and umbrellas) are strongly encouraged. Feel free to also bring snacks. Sunscreen is strongly encouraged.

How quickly or slowly are we walking during these sessions?
Walk and Talk sessions are designed to be more of a casual stroll than an intensive cardio session. The pace we walk is encouraged to be slow enough to be able to talk without feeling out of breath.